• on 28th May, 2020

“What Will We Do Without Them?”

“What will we do without them?”
Juan Lucena painted this in memory of the grandparents who died without been able to say goodbye to their grandchildren.

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  1. Absolutely beautiful and emotional !

  2. Can I purchase a copy of this painting. Thanks.

    1. Given the acceptance and requests to get the painting or fail to reproduce my work… Covid-19/20 ′′ What will we do without them?”.
      I have decided to perform a limited, numbered and signed series. Printed paper 100 % cotton high quality,
      size 40 x50.
      THE BENEFITS WILL BE DONATED… to the fight against the VIRUS, or vaccine research. (Definitive destination will be reported shortly).
      Price. 150 € / unit (porte included in peninsula) Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and other countries… we will consult.
      BOOKINGS.- email:
      (Bookings will send information, account number, etc. ) provide email, name, phone, address…

      THANK YOU SO MUCH, for your comments and collaboration.

      EYE!!! Limited series.

  3. I was very moved by this image! I worked in aged care for 6 years managing a 79 bed rest home, and even without the covid phenomena know of the separation that can exist. I wrote a post and made commentary and it clearly is a piece that touches hearts and opens people up to their own humanity.

    1. Thank you Pat; this painting certainly does reveal a fundamental truth, to everyone who considers it, the value to all human life from conception ’till natural death. May God Bless you and all your family.

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