• on 9th December, 2016

The Week That Was @ Balally: 9th December, 2016

Breaking News… Headline news… The Parish has received a new Eco award
“Caring for God’s creation” which was presented at 11.30 Mass last Sunday.
The BEG team has posted environmental thoughts around the Church for the

It was also a very busy time in the life of the Parish. On Monday night the
PPC (Parish Pastoral Council) had its monthly meeting which began by a
review of the gradual process of integration between the Parish of Balally
and Sandyford. The 2 parish councils have met and are programmed to meet
again in January.

The PPC also discussed the coming of the American Youth group during the
summer, events that will occur over the Christmas time and the elaboration
of a welcome pack for those coming into the Parish.

On Tuesday the Liturgy committee met and discussed the Masses and events
over the Christmas time. This behind-the- scenes team organizes the overall
outlay of the liturgy, reviews the major liturgical feasts, and often
volunteers to make the services to run smoothly.

On Wednesday the Readers Club came together for their monthly meeting (and
pizza). These younger members of the community are doing the readings at
the Masses on Sundays and train every month to make their delivery more and
more effective.

As you will notice a special team has put up some of the Christmas
decorations. As always the Parish thrives through the generous
participation of so many volunteers.

Big crowds assisted at the Masses of the Immaculate Conception including
our two wonderful schools Queen of Angels and St. Olaf’s.

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