• on 16th December, 2016

The Week That Was @ Balally: 16th December, 2016

They made us sing and they made us clap, they made us stand and sit, they
made us smile and they made us think…. that was what the combined choirs
of Queen of Angels, St. Olaf’s, The Parish Junior Choir, the Parish Adult
Choir with the Leinster Orchestra made us do last Sunday. The carols and
the music came after a morning full of activity in the Parish. We had the
sale of jams and cakes, there was a dinner served in the Pastoral centre,
there was a multi-prize raffle… And all that in harmony with the Sunday
Masses which included the “Do This in Memory” Mass at 10.00 where the
children and families preparing for first communion had such a wonderful
participation (in spite of the Grinch candle which didn’t want to light).

Of course all this happened in the lovely waiting atmosphere of Advent.
This atmosphere is encouraged and enhanced by the group of people who
gather at 7.00 a.m. every week day to pray, reflect and listen. It is also
highlighted by the preparations for Christmas; the decorations are put up
and then the Christmas Crib team comes out and sets out the Nativity scene.
This team has been doing this for many years.

The Hospitality team had their party on Wednesday and were pleasantly
surprised by a singing visit from Queen of Angel’s choir. The Parish team
had their meeting to ready details for the Christmas and to prepare a very
important Sunday announcement (don’t miss it). The team also represented
the Parish at the Funeral of Mick O Sullivan, Fr. Andrew’s father, who died
suddenly on Sunday.

The Parish Christmas card was given out at every Mass, it contains the
Christmas Mass schedule as well as the Christmas greeting from the Balally
and Sandyford Parish teams and PPC’s. (If you need a copy the information
is on the website and on cards left at the entrance to the Church)

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