Father Pádraig is a retired priest who has served 42 years in his pastoral work.  He offers one of the Sunday Masses, when required at our church.  Fr. Pádraig is also active in the parish through his work for the Parish Pastoral Council. He has written and contributed to several news articles and books including:

Unheard Story, Fr. Padraig McCarthy, Londubh Press, November 2013, ISBN (printed): 978-1-907535-35-2; ebook: 978-1-907535-38-3

WHISTLE-BLOWER, (Life, Death, Hope and the Eighth Amendment), Pádraig McCarthy, Lettertec Publishing May 2018, ISBN: 978-1-912606-00-9

The Other Side of The Murphy Report, The Irish Catholic, November 14th 2013

ACP AGM To Focus On Priestless Parishes, CatholicIreland.Net, 11th May 2014

Review Of Missal Translation May Be On The Way, ACP, January 2014

The Pat Kenny Show (Newtalk Radio Interview @ 27:50 minutes),  21st November 2013[/vc_column_text]


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