• on 19th April, 2022

Holy Week 2022…Thanks from Father Jim

Holy Week is the most wonderful time in the life of the Church. This year it was celebrated wonderfully in Balally. Our new liturgy group coordinated things magnificently ( Sarah, Anne, Patsy, Michael, Brid and Mr David) .
So much work and preparation went into the moments of celebration. It was teamwork at its best. Sincere thanks to readers, ministers of Eucharist, choir, altar society, flower arrangers, sacristans, collectors, stewards, MC.
I was especially taken by the lay leadership os some of the ceremonies . That’s the future. Women should be playing more and more of a role in liturgical leadership.Well done to Orla, David, Caroline, Jessica, Sarah.
Some of the “little moments” really touched me…the beautiful Gethesemane vigil in the Pastoral Centre led by Caroline, the Stations of Creation with Orla and Father Dermot, Jessica’s extraordinary testimony on Good Friday, our sharing on the book of Saint Bridget , and our little pilgrimage to Taney on Easter Sunday morning.
It was great to be joined in person by so many.And I noticed the young faces. The Lord is riven, He is truly Rise, Alleluia.
Happy Easter
With love
Father Jim


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