• on 8th April, 2020

Holy Wednesday 2020 Schedule @ Balally Parish

Holy Wednesday Schedule @ Balally Parish
10.00 Mass
15.00 Last Words of Christ
20.00 Night Prayers and Benediction
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  1. Evening prayer just now was so beautiful. Thank you Fr. Philip for keeping us buoyed up and in touch . You are there each day and each Sunday on your own but know that what you are doing is vital to our spiritual, emotional and physical lives.
    Thank you.
    Attracta Kennelly

  2. I want to say thank you Fr Peter, Sarah, and the many wonderful helpers who prepared the Scripture, the Altar, the Lights, the Parish Council and everyone who contributed to bringing our Spiritual Home in to our lives over the past few weeks but especially this week. I would also like to remember our absent friends and I am looking forward to seeing you all soon. Mary.

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