• on 7th June, 2018

From Fr. Peter's Desk, 7th June, 2018

Last Sunday was the feast of Corpus Christi. At the Family Mass many of the
First Communion children participated wearing their Communion outfits, they
read the prayers of the faithful and presented the sheep they had received
in November as a reminder of two of the titles that Christ holds:

The Lamb of God

The Good Shepherd

The DTIM* team were present making sure that everything went well. 3 new
Eucharistic ministers were instituted at the 11.30 Mass. They will help to
distribute Holy Communion at Mass and be available to bring the Eucharist
to the sick. It is one of the oldest and most meaningful ministries in the
Church and we congratulate all our ministers on this feast of the Body and
Blood of Christ.

People signed up in droves for the Balally World Meeting of Families in
Glendalough on 23rd of June. All we need is the weather…

The PPC (Parish Pastoral Council) had the monthly meeting. After a report
of activities read by the Parish Priest important elements of Parish life
were discussed:

Child Protection updates

The future of Mass schedules in the Parish

Ideas around the World Meeting of Families

One of the items at these meetings is the “Suggestion Box” whereby ideas,
criticisms, suggestions made by parishioners are read, debated and noted
and possible actions are proposed.

Thoughts for the good weather:

“Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him
through temporary periods of joy.”

Fullness of Redemption Attributed to W.B. Yeats

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