• on 7th April, 2017

From Fr. Peter's Desk: 7th April, 2017

This week saw the introduction of a Prayer Space around the Painting of the
“Return of the Prodigal Son” . As of yet no one has been able to explain
why Rembrandt painted the Father as a blind man when the Gospel states
categorically that the Father saw the son when he was still a long way off
( Lk. 15,20). There are other mysteries in the painting. The prayer space
has been put in place to prepare for the Lenten Penitential Service on
Tuesday next.

The second colour parish bulletin has been distributed. There has been a
lot of positive feedback and suggestions from parishioners.

Also this week the Easter Card and calendar was made available. The
beautiful card contains all the information about the events that will take
place in Sandyford and Balally over the Holy week and Easter Week. (The
deliberate mistake in the card has not yet been spotted by any parishioner).

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