• on 31st July, 2018

From Fr. Peter's Desk, 31th July, 2018

What goes on in the Parish during the Summer? This is a question that is
on the lips of all. As groups take their holidays and schools are closed
what do people get up to in Balally?

In spite of appearances there is a lot going on. A special
committee is reviewing the heating/insulation problems in the Church (yes …
heating problems) and hoping to come up with a solution before the winter
sets in. The Parish office is busy preparing a calendar of events for the
new course while trying to juggle the instructions from the new Data
Protection Legislation. All files have to be reviewed, thousands of pages
have been destroyed and information has to be labelled and classified and
put onto a data system. At the same time the staff in the Pastoral Centre
are making an effort to reorganise things in the Centre and make it even
more welcoming and safe.

Then of course the different teams are still in duty; the Altar
society preparing the Mass each day, the readers and Eucharistic ministers
doing their duties, the 400 Club (they do not rest) and even the Funeral
team which was called on three times in the last while to assist families
in the Requiem Masses of their loved ones.

And then the Gardeners … they have been out in force keeping
our gardens alive and beautiful in spite of the weather. They and the
maintenance team are those people who, behind the scenes, contribute their
time and talents to the Parish.

Of course the biggest thing going on at the moment is the
preparation for the World Meeting of families. Houses are been prepared to
receive guests from Mexico and Guatemala, people are volunteering as
drivers and caterers, others are getting their Garda Vetting in place as
they are going to be helping at the Popes Mass…

And what about the priests? What do they do? Be prepared … they
are getting their homilies ready for the new course . If you don’t know
what Eternity is like the length of their homilies is about to give you a
good idea.

Quote from Pope Francis (The Joy of the Gospel)
*“The parish is the presence of the Church in a given territory, an
environment for hearing God’s word, for growth in the Christian life, for
dialogue, proclamation, charitable outreach, worship and celebration. In
all its activities the parish encourages and trains its members to be
evangelisers. It is a community of communities, a sanctuary where the
thirsty come to drink in the midst of their journey, and a centre of
constant missionary outreach.”*

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