• on 23rd August, 2019

From Fr. Peter’s Desk: 23rd August 2019

The feast of the Assumption was marked by the celebration of three Masses as we were reminded that this feast day celebrates the role of Our Lady in the story of salvation. A very beautiful surprise awaited the community at 12.00 Mass as Sinead, Eimear and David came together to sing for the Mass. They reminded us of St Augustine’s words “they who sing pray twice”.

The summer time has offered us the opportunity to upgrade the Parish. Peter Massey has installed his office in the Parish Centre, the hedging around the Parish Centre has been cut back for health and safety reasons. Hopefully other bits and bobs will be addressed be- fore the end of September.

We also have had to take steps to fix part of the roof of the Parish Centre which was damaged by rain. The buildings committee was called upon again to advise on this and other big projects for the Church.

There has been great interest in the development of a symbol/ shield/motto (the word logo has been generally rejected by parish- ioners as been too commercial) several suggestions and ideas have been added to the original proposal. See image below.

As the month of August comes to an end the Family Mass Team has started to warm its motors in the preparation of the 10.00 family Mass.


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