• on 20th January, 2017

From Fr. Peter's Desk: 20th January, 2017

You won’t believe this …. but the parish has run out of stones.

Indeed on Thursday night in the Prayer for Christian Unity so many

people turned up that there weren’t enough leaflets or stones for

everyone. The very touching liturgy which brought together Catholic,

Church of Ireland and other Christian faithful of the area highlighted,

through the medium of stones, the walls and divisions that have kept us apart for the last 500

years. The Rev. Rob Clements of Kilternan spoke of his experience of the wall that separated

the Christian communities in his native Belfast and how that wall grew ever taller with the

passing of years. He challenged us to step out from behind the comfort of our walls to make

Christian Unity a reality in relevant areas of the lives of our communities.

The hospitality committee came to the rescue and made sure there were teas, coffees and

healthy stuff for everyone.

On Saturday the Parish welcomed a group of Indian families into the community.

Besides enjoying the hospitality provided the families gathered in the prayer room to pray the

Rosary and sing some beautiful hymns in one of their 24 official languages.

Huge success in the Operation Transformation on Wednesday night. The group keeps

growing and offering an opportunity to many to keep up with the New Year’s resolutions …

and have a good chat on the way.

The week has been very busy with various parish team meeting s being held & 6th class

Children from St. Olafs having their retreat of preparation for the reception of the

sacrament of Confirmation.

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