• on 13th March, 2019

From Fr. Peter’s Desk, 13th March, 2019

“Man does not live on bread alone”

On Saturday, the Communications Team had another meeting to continue the
effort of upgrading the website and making it as accessible and useful as

On Sunday the 10.00 Mass was again graced by the presence of the Family
Mass choir who will help in the liturgy until Easter Sunday. There was also
a very practical application of Laudato Si … all the children received a
little plant that they were to take home and care for. The Parish is
determined this Lent to take little steps in its awareness of the gift of
Creation and the vocation of stewardship that we all have towards its
resources. There is a quote from Laudato si for every day of Lent that is
posted on the webpage and posted outside the Church. There is also a little
effort to be made every Saturday.

Four Babies were baptised on Sunday and there was a great crowd in the
Parish Centre. It is such a great resource for the building of the
community and the welcoming of visitors.

On Monday there was an even bigger turn out for the Scripture Course.
Sister Therese had to use the microphone to explain next Sundays Gospel and
to stir up curiosity in the listeners.

The Church has been decorated to remind us of the Special Season of Lent.
The Purple colour which is a liturgical invitation to penance, has been
placed on the altar, there is also a Lenten garden and Rembrandts “Return
of The Prodigal Son” has been placed near the altar to remind us of lent as
a time to return to the loving embrace of a Loving God.

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