• on 10th October, 2017

From Fr. Peter's Desk, 10th October, 2017: The Passing Of The Mantle

There was such a fervour of activity around the parish this last week. A
historical liturgy took place on Sunday at 11.30 mass with the passing on
of the parish from Fr. Dermot to Fr. Peter. There were important symbolic
gestures that highlighted the role and importance of the community. The
keys, the book of the Gospels, the chalice and paten, the stole, the
readings, prayers of the faithful, and indeed the blessing were delivered
by members of the community representing many of the groups, committees and
teams that sustain the life of the parish. Family members participated in
preparation of the altar and the brining up of the gifts.

There were very beautiful moments when Fr.Lane spoke via web-cam directly
to Fr. Peter’s Mum who was following the ceremony from the Beacon hospital
and when Fr.Lane took off the chasuble and placed it over Fr. Peter’s head,
a sign of the passing of the mantle. Afterwards many people went into the
Parish centre for the holy- donuts.

This ceremony required preparation meetings, rehearsals, printing and the
coordination of the parish office which at the same time was coordinating
the first DTIM (‘Do This in Memory’) of ‘Queen of Angels’ school. The
children, assisted by family and teachers, begin their journey towards
their first communion.

On Saturday (after a wedding that was broadcast by webcam to Canada )
Fr.Lane assisted at a special dinner-party organized by the manager and
staff of the pastoral centre in gratitude to all the volunteers who help
to keep the centre in such vibrant form. This year it was an Easter theme
and the food was delicious. It was a great way to say thank-you.

So much going on in the parish that can’t be reported in this space … maybe
not a bad thing…

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