• on 7th March, 2020

From Father Peter’s Desk: 6th March 2020

First Of Lent
Lent is this special time of year when we have many activities to help us a community to do a “Metanoia”, a transformation of heart. The Bible course on Monday nights under the guidance of Sister Therese Fitzgerald has started again. One of the commentaries-
“ this was the best class I’ve ever had”
The Lay lead Liturgies and book club has also started on Thursday mornings. This is a sign of things to come.
There was a great turnout, in spite of the storm, for the
“Pizza and Quiz” preparation for Confirmation. The Parish
Centre was full to the door of young people with their families.
The electronic quiz is a great way of reminding ourselves of the sacrament of Confirmation. We have also had visits from St Tiernan’s who are meeting with members of the community
as part of a project. Our Reader’s Club had their monthly meeting with a special microphone practice.
The Parish Pastoral Council met on Monday night and there
was a discussion about the application of instructions about the Coronavirus. The suggestion box was opened and read.
The heating, lighting, doors and sound in the Church have been evaluated by experts and we hope to produce a report on these issues.
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