• on 29th February, 2020

From Father Peter’s Desk: 28th February 2020

This Week:

The burying of the Alleluias This week saw the intense preparation of Lent. On Sunday the children preparing for First Holy Communion painted their Alleluia and placed it in the tomb under the altar. They learned that Alleluia
means “Praise the Lord” and will be spoken again at Easter as a sign of joy. The community also distributed the “Lent in a Bag” at Masses and some parishioners have already posted photos of their Lenten garden with the elements of reflection and reminder. It was a great idea to help us focus on Lent as a time of prayer, penance and charity.

Sunday afternoon was a big moment in the history of the Parish as it celebrated the retirement of Brid Fitzgerald who has served the Parish for 17 years. Her family and friends and many parishioners gathered for a beautiful liturgy prepared by a team of women . The final blessing was delivered by her brother Brendan Kelly, bishop of Galway. Afterwards in the Parish centre there was a great turnout with the Failte Team feeding the five thousand (approx.)
There was a lovely atmosphere of welcome and friendship. At the end there was a presentation made to Brid on behalf of the Parishioners.

The Stations of the Cross, having been cleaned, were returned to the walls of the Church after a good cleaning. They will be there for Lent to remind us of the way of the Cross. This week we also had a review of the heating system and the sound system .We will publish the reports as soon as they are composed.

This week highlighted the life of the community. From the preparation of the “Lent in a Bag” to the feeding of the flock, the DTIM mass, the evaluation of the heat system, the preparation of the special liturgy all was done by  volunteer members of the Parish coordinated from the Parish office.

Thank you to everyone.

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