Pope Francis' Letter, Initiating 8th World Meeting Of Families In Dublin
This letter highlights aspects of Pope Francis’ vision for the Church and Family Life/Love.   “To the Venerable Brother Cardinal KEVIN FARRELL, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, the [...]
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Pope Francis Helps Restore 'tradition' Of Home Blessing
Pope Francis surprised several Roman families on May 20th, 2017, when he showed up to bless their homes for the Easter season! What would you do if the Pope showed [...]
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Pope Francis TED Talk: "Building a future, together."
A single individual is enough for hope to exist, and that individual can be you, says His Holiness Pope Francis in this searing TED Talk delivered directly from Vatican City. [...]
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Where's My Fairy Godmother?
Pope Francis invites us all to be ‘converted’ each and every day, through hard ‘learning’; doing good and avoiding evil. Plus, checkout his theory of the ‘magic wand’!
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Becoming Unfaithful Catholics
Some tough words from Pope Francis for us all to absorb, from his homily at yesterday’s (23rd March, 2017) Mass in Santa Maria.   Video by courtesy of www.romereports.com
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A Story That May Change Your Heart
Did you hear the one about the taxi driver, the lady and the refugee? There was a refugee who was looking for a street… from Aleteia on Vimeo. Here is [...]
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Christians Should Apologize and Ask Forgiveness For Helping To Marginalize
Courtesy Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM ARMENIA (CNS)  — Catholics and other Christians not only must apologize to the gay community, they must ask forgiveness of [...]
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'Real' Christian or 'Parlour' Christian?
[mp3t track=”http://media02.radiovaticana.va/audio/audio2/mp3/00529625.mp3″ volslider=”y” autoplay=”n” title=”‘Real’ Christian or ‘Parlour’ Christian?” ind=”y” flip=”y” caption=”caption text”] Pope Francis says it is the Holy Spirit that moves the Church (Pope Francis says it is the [...]
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Pope Francis: "God is greater than our sin"
In his General Audience March 30, Pope Francis urged the crowd to repeat after him: “God is greater than our sin.”
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