From Fr. Peter’s Desk: 16th May 2019
This Week: “Peace be with you” What happens when the confirmations are over? On Thursday and Friday last week we had the confirmations in our two schools. There were photos [...]
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From Fr. Peter’s Desk: 10th May 2019
How important is the number 153? It is not a very attractive number. Not a lotto-winning number… but one of the First Communion children called out “The number of fish [...]
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From Fr. Peter’s Desk: 4th May 2019
This Week: Alleluia!   The taste of Easter Eggs begins to dissipate but the joy of our Easter celebrations continues to echo through the Parish and through the community. The [...]
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From Fr. Peter’s Desk: 17th April 2019
This Week: Palm Sunday This Sunday was one of those special Sundays where the community has a strong participation in the Liturgy and a great generosity of spirit. At the [...]
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From Fr. Peter’s Desk: 9th April 2019
This Week: What did Jesus write in the sand?   This was a question that was asked at the scripture course … and we don’t know the answer but it [...]
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From Fr. Peter’s Desk: 7th April 2019
There was just so much going on…… On Friday evening Shane Ross T.D came to the Parish Bingo and helped to contribute to the fun. On Saturday morning, President Michael [...]
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From Fr. Peter’s Desk, 19th March, 2019
This Week: St Patricks weekend. There was a great flurry of activity this weekend. On Saturday we followed our programme for lent and sowed three plum trees in honour of [...]
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From Fr. Peter’s Desk, 13th March, 2019
“Man does not live on bread alone” On Saturday, the Communications Team had another meeting to continue the effort of upgrading the website and making it as accessible and useful [...]
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From Fr. Peter’s Desk, 17th February, 2019
“And they left everything and followed Him” Was the conclusion of last Sundays Gospel. A BIG challenge in a FEW words. What has been going on in the Parish? The [...]
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From Fr. Peter’s Desk, 8th February, 2019
Star appeared at the 12.00 Mass. Yes, Fr Dermot Lane is back after his sabbatical and was warmly welcomed home. The 400 club spoke at both Masses to thank people [...]
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