Readings and Homily: 21st June 2020
The significance of the ‘insignificant’. Your life matters to our Father in Heaven and, how you live your life always has great significance.
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Readings and Homily: 20th June 2020
Words at Mass: The confiteor – holds a wealth of meaning, historical, spiritual and intensely personal.  
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Readings and Homily: 19th June 2020
The feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus “Come to me all you who labour and are overburdened and I will give you rest”.  
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Readings and Homily: 18th June 2020
The homily in the Mass; a brief reflection on the readings and on the preaching of Jesus, to inspire, encourage and challenge us.
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Readings and Homily: 17th June 2020
The Mass is the highlight of our spiritual lives. We can’t truly live without it.
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Readings and Homily: 16th June 2020
The place of wine in the life and death of Jesus. First miracle at the Cana wedding, the Last Supper, at Calvary “I thirst”.
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Readings and Homily: 15th June 2020
Language of the Mass, from the universal Latin of centuries to the personal vernacular of today.
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Readings and Homily: 14th June 2020
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi; the first feast of the Catholic Church which was mandated for the entire world, thanks to Saint Juliana of Liege. “Jesus, ti amo!” Jesus, I [...]
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Readings and Homily: 13th June 2020
Saved by Jimmy Finnegan’s bell! How Jimmy came to the rescue when the church bells went missing, one day. The significance and the history of the use of bells in [...]
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Readings and Homily: 12th June 2020
The Crucifix on the Altar is a reminder of Calvary and Christ’s passion
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