Readings and Homily Tues 30th June
“Why are you so frightened, ye men of little faith?” We too understand life as a storm. A storm that came upon us in great haste and we were not [...]
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Readings and Homily 29th June 2020
Readings and Homily 29th June 2020 – The feast of St. Peter and St. Paul – The beginnings of the Church and the price that was paid. We follow in [...]
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Night Prayer @ Balally: 28th June 2020
Night Prayer @ Balally: 28th June 2020, the final Night Prayer in a series of 101 Night Prayers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. May the Good Lord being eternal rest to [...]
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Readings and Homily: 28th June 2020
The new future of the Church. The gifts you bring to the Church. The difficulties of living a Christian life. The help we obtain to live that life. The abundance [...]
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Readings and Homily: 27th June 2020
The liturgy of the Mass encompasses the depth, the beauty and the wonder of the Eucharist and leaves us consoled, enriched but with sincere questions.
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Readings and Homily: 26th June 2020
Words of the Mass: The Our Father – an “emotional” prayer with Praise, Petition and Personal Commitment.
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Readings and Homily: 25th June 2020
Prayers in the Mass: The Gloria – one of several doxologies in the Mass, i.e. prayers of praise to God.
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Readings and Homily: 24th June 2020
Feast of the nativity of St. John the Baptist, a cousin of Christ, a prophet and a martyr  
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Readings and Homily: 23rd June 2020
The Words of the Mass: The Apostles Creed – a Symbol that unites us in our beliefs across the World and back to the Apostles.
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