Readings and Homily: Saturday 18th July 2020
“We shall remember them”, we recall the people back to life in our memories for seconds and for years.
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Readings and Homily: Friday 17th July 2020
“What I want is mercy, not sacrifice.” There are times when we need to use our own judgement, to show mercy rather than condemnation.  
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Readings and Homily: Thursday 16th July
There are many feeling weary and overburdened in today’s world. In today’s Gospel, Jesus issues a personal invitation to us all; to come to him. Jesus will give us rest [...]
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Readings and Homily: Wednesday 15th July 2020
Crisis – the turning point in an illness, for better or for worse. It is now the moment of judgement. Are we in recovery? Or is everything going in a different [...]
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Readings And Homily: 14th July 2020
Readings And Homily: 14th July 2020 “Time flies, but YOU are the pilot.” We’ve been given the freedom to spend our time as we chose. Where are YOU investing your [...]
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Readings and Homily: Monday 13th July 2020
This section of St. Matthew’s Gospel focuses on Jesus instructing the disciples. “It is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword” – As we follow Jesus there may [...]
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Readings and Homily: Friday 10th July 2020
Jesus sent his disciples out as sheep among wolves and told them of the price they may be called upon to suffer in His name.
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Readings and Homily: Tuesday 7th July 2020
The pandemic has given us the opportunity to review our perspective of the truly important people who are our frontline heroes today and were not considered so before this time.
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Readings and Homily: Thurs 2nd July 2020
“Get up, pick up your bed, and go off home!” We have lived through a unique experience. Now is a time of discovery, of reflection on our experience. We reflect [...]
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Readings and Homily Wed 1st July 2020
The Feast Day of St. Oliver Plunkett. We remember that faith is a way of looking at life; a precious gift that gives us hope, even in the most extraordinary [...]
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