Readings and Homily: Friday, 4th December 2020
Many spiritually dead people walk our streets today. We pray that the Christmas child may rekindle their spiritual life.  
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Readings And Homily: 22nd November 2020
We are a ‘Christ-Centred’ people. We remember the tweleve members of the Noamh Olaf’s GAA club who died in the past year. This club is a beacon of Hope for [...]
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Readings and Homily: Friday, 13th November 2020
“In the Autumn of our lives, we will be judged on the love we have shown.”
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Readings and Homily: Friday, 6th November 2020
The Feast of all the Saints of Ireland, our ancestors who kept alive a deep Celtic spirituality and passed on to us the gifts of Faith, Hope and Love which [...]
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Readings and Homily: 25th October 2020
Father Dermot states that the system of Direct Provision, in Ireland, is shameful. Thankfully there has been a commitment given to correct this situation by 2023. Everyone we come across [...]
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Readings and Homily: 18th October 2020
Father Dermot identifies our current, need to ‘go out’ and meet people. The Church’s mission is to bring all people to Jesus Christ. Currently, the world is seeing a very [...]
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Readings and Homily: 11th October 2020
Father Dermot takes us through Pope Francis’ new encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’; human solidarity and human respect. He also remembers the Carrickmines Fire tradgedy, which occured five years ago and poses [...]
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Readings and Homily: Friday, 2nd October 2020
Jesus chided the Apostles who wanted to know who were the greatest in Heaven, by selecting a little child and telling them they must be childlike, not personally ambitious but [...]
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Readings and Homily: 26th September 2020
Safeguarding Sunday 2020: Archbishop Diarmuid’s communication; Uncertain financial situation Going online for Diocesan operations Thank you all for making the Dublin Diocese a safer place for all World Day for [...]
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Readings and Homily: Friday, 25th September 2020
We have come to realise that current “disasters” in terms of storms, fires, floods and even the pandemic are not “acts of God” but are largely results of our own [...]
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