• on 25th January, 2018

From Fr. Peter's Desk, 25th January, 2018

It was history in the making. The first ever Sponsor’s Party held in the
Pastoral Centre on
Saturday afternoon. ‘Cakes and Cushions’ was the indication on the
invitation. The Confirmation Children (sitting on their cushions)
interviewed their sponsors and asked them about the people they admire,
their heroes and the name they took for their confirmation. Together they
formulated a motto and said a little prayer together. Of course, after that
it was all about cakes … and all new year’s resolutions had to be
suspended as the cakes were so delicious.

Ed and Nuala Burke spoke at the Masses about TEEN HOPE an initiative that
is trying to open doors to young people in their faith journey. This
project, like so many others in the Parish, underscores the vast array of
ideas and efforts that are being made in order to sustain the vibrancy of
the community and make the faith relevant in the 21st century.

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