• on 13th November, 2019

From Father Peter’s Desk: 13th November 2019

A new WhatsApp group has had its first use. This Urgent Parish Information group is an answer to those people who have asked to be informed about funerals in the Parish (and other important news). Some members of the community have been upset when they missed the Requiem Mass of a neighbour or of a friend.
The insulation of the Church has been affected by the weather but hopefully will continue as soon as possible. The pathway around the Church and more light on the Wedgewood side is finished. There is still work to be done on the back fence and the CCTV system.
A special meeting of a finance sub-committee and the parish team reviewed major projects to be addressed in the Parish over the next few years. They include the heating, lighting, upgrading of the doors and entrances, a fence around the Parish Centre amongst others. Strategic points such as the employment of a Parish Catechist , the refurbishing of the upper room were also spoken about.
Many good wishes and regards have been sent to Fr Lane from parishioners. Fr Dermot has asked us to thank all who have been so kind over the last couple of weeks. The Parish would also like to thank Fr Padraig and Fr Vincent for their help. Fr Victor who was on holidays from Spain (looking for some good Irish Weather) said Mass for the community on Wednesday. He comes from the Diocese of Murcia and is a doctor in Bioethics.
The Book of Life (contains the list of all those who have died during the year in the Parish) has been placed at the Baptismal font to highlight the relationship between baptism and eternal life. The names, beautifully written, are inscribed every year and record all the funerals in Balally Church.
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