• on 13th August, 2019

From Fr. Peter’s Desk: 13th August 2019

The Parish never really turns off. There is always something cooking,  something to be looked after: a roof that leaks, a door that squeaks a parishioner that creaks. As August trundles along the new school year comes into focus and dates have to be agreed on, ceremonies organised and meetings planned (thousands of meetings …). With so much going on the Parish might just forget for a moment what it is all about. Last Sunday we asked for suggestions for a parish “logo”. The suggestion boxes have not been overrun it must be said. But one Parishioner did write that the word “logo” made the Parish sound commercial and some other term might be used (maybe emblem or crest). Wasn’t that a good observation? How often do we need to remind ourselves that we are not just another organization? How often must we as a Christian community step back from the world of busyness and hark back to the ‘essentials’: the Eucharist, the Word of God and what they imply for our lives.  


On other news. Some members of the community are preparing the “Season of Creation” (1st Sept to 4th of October) which is a new Christian initiative in response to “Laudato Si” the Pope’s document on the care of the earth. 


The Maintenance Team has continued to work behind the scenes on many details around the Parish. The Team consistently tries to make the Parish as safe, as comfortable and as attractive as possible. Did you notice the little changes to the Baptismal Font and the Paschal Candle? (If you have any concerns please use the suggestion boxes or get in contact with the parish office). In the next few weeks big hedge cutting operations and other significant work will be underway in the Parish. New signage will be introduced and an anti-clutter blitz will occur.  Thank you to those who highlighted the health and safety implications and who have supported these big ticket items.

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